Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update on OntologySummit 2013 - past and upcoming events

The main live-action hackathon HC-05 and HC-06 activities are over now. 
They have spanned across the last weekend and have brought to interesting results and a plenty of documents collectively drawn.
We were among the observers of the events and thank their team members for the many insights.

The OntologySummit 2013 experience is a great chance to take a look at the previous summits, the OntologySummit 2011 and OntologySummit 2012

In the following what's coming up in the next weeks (also reported in the open IAOA Events calendar):

*Thu 4 Apr 2013* - OntologySummit2013 session-12 - "Synthesis-II"
- Co-chairs: Professor Michael Gruninger & Dr. Matthew West
- see developing details on the session page
at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_04_04

*Thu 11 Apr 2013* - OntologySummit2013 session-13 - "Communique Draft Review"
- Co-chairs: Dr. Amanda Vizedom & Dr. Fabian Neuhaus
- see developing details on the session page
at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_04_11

*Thu 18 Apr 2013* - OntologySummit2013 session-14 - "Final Communique Review"
- Co-chairs: Dr. Fabian Neuhaus  & Dr. Amanda Vizedom - see
developing details on the session page
at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_04_18

*Thu 25 Apr 2013* - OntologySummit2013 session-15 - "Pre-Sympoisum Preparation"
- Co-chairs: Mr. Mike Dean  & Dr. Ram Sriram - see
developing details on the session page
at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_04_25

Also check single Hackathon & Clinics activities.

[posted by: FQuattri]


  1. An insight on the prolific work of one workshop:


  2. Note by Amanda Vizedom: "Note about HC-05 outputs: This is snapshot of work at the end of the weekend sessions. Results are dispersed across a number of text and graphic files. Currently, several of us are working on consolidating the conceptual model in both graphical and English text forms, and making sure that we, as a group, agree that this captures what we developed. We are also drafting formal ontologies based on this, in OWL and Common Logic, but all should be considered first drafts. The current push is on the consolidated concept model."


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